Acoustic jaw reflex in man: Its relationship to other brain-stem and microreflexesReflexe “acoustico-maxillaire” chez l'homme☆

Here are the Acoustic jaw reflex in man: Its relationship to other brain-stem and microreflexesReflexe “acoustico-maxillaire” chez l'homme☆ journals presenting the latest research across various disciplines. From social sciences to technology, each article is expected to provide valuable insights to our readers.

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    1. A description is given of a brain-stem reflex elicited by acoustic stimuli in voluntarily activated head muscles which occurs regularly in the muscles of the jaw and therefore is called the acoustic jaw reflex. It consists of a short latency reflex inhibition in the masseter and temporal muscles, which is accompanied in one-third of normal subjects by reflex activation of the mylohyoideus and other mouth-opening muscles.

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    2. The afferent reflex are of this reflex is the acoustic nerve.

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    3. This acoustic reflex inhibition is provoked less constantly in other head, neck, trunk and arm muscles. With its preceding or following activation it is identical with the auditory micro-reflexes (sonomotor responses) of Bickford.

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    4. This reflex response to sound is similar to or identical with that of the electrically provoked linguo-mandibular reflex.


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    1. On dĂ©crit un rĂ©flexe cranien suscitĂ© par des stimulus acoustiques et qui interesse des muscles de la tĂȘte, en Ă©tat de contraction volontaire. Ce rĂ©flexe affecte en particulier avec rĂ©gularitĂ© les muscles masticateurs (et de ce fait est dĂ©signĂ© ici comme “acoustico-maxillaire”). Il s'agit d'une inhibition rĂ©flexe de courte durĂ©e du masseter et des muscles temporaux, qui est accompagnĂ©e, chez un tiers des sujets normaux, par une activation rĂ©flexe du m, mylohyoidien et d'autres muscles abaisseurs de la mĂąchoire.

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    2. La voie afférente de ce réflexe est le nerf auditif.

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    3. Une inhibition peut ĂȘtre Ă©galement provoquĂ©e mais avec moins dĂ© rĂ©gularitĂ© dans d'autres muscles de la tĂȘte, du cou, du trone et des bras. Compte tenu de l'activation qui prĂ©cĂšde ou suit ce rĂ©flexe, il est identique aux “microrĂ©flexes” (rĂ©ponses sonomotrices) de Bickford.

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    4. La rĂ©ponse rĂ©flexe au son est Ă©galement semblable ou peut-ĂȘtre mĂȘme identique au rĂ©flexe linguo-maxillaire provoquĂ© par stimulation Ă©lectrique.


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